How to find out in which data centre the virtual infrastructure is located?

Cloud4U offers virtual infrastructure services across multiple data centres. Read the article to learn more about the benefits of this type of hosting. 

First of all, you need to know the internal names of the data centres:



In order to determine which data centre the infrastructure is located in, it is necessary to

for the new (HTML5) interface, open a drop-down menu and select Datacenters

In the following screenshot you can see that the resources of the demo organisation are located in 2 Data Centres, their icons are in the organisation name.

For the old (Flash) interface in the menu on the right you need to click Manage VCDs

You will see a list of your virtual datacenters, the names of which indicate a physical datacenter:

In the Flash interface you can click My Cloud to see a list of all vApp (VM), indicating the physical location:

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